1. Media Releases
  2. Failures on Hospital Infrastructure Raised

Failures on Hospital Infrastructure Raised

Media Releases

State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, will today move a number of Notices of Motion calling on the Health Minister to address failing infrastructure at the John Hunter Hospital.

In recent weeks the John Hunter Hospital has faced ongoing problems with air-conditioning not working during heat wave conditions. Management failed to have engineers assess and repair the issue over the Australia Day long weekend due to costs, and left staff to face the public anger.

Ms Hornery also previously raised concerns about staff being left to fundraise for a shower for parents who had children staying in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit.

The John Hunter Paediatric Intensive Care Unit is one of the largest PICUs in the State and often patients who need intensive care are airlifted here from locations right across the State, so it is not possible for them to leave the Hospital and go home to freshen up.

Ms Hornery has called on the Minister to provide a suitable solution to the problem and ensure that staff are not being forced to fundraise for Hospital infrastructure.

Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery

“Firstly families should never have to pay for a fan to keep a patient cool in a public Hospital.”

“Nurses and hospital staff should not have to work in these types of conditions. It is the State Government’s responsibility to ensure the hospital’s air conditioning is properly maintained.”

“When it fails, it should be repaired immediately, not left for 2 days because of cost concerns. Management should not be leaving nurses to take the flak from patients and the public.”

“This shows there are budgetary issues for hospital maintenance and some senior hospital staff have raised their concerns with me.”

“Secondly, this Government has a track record of leaving it to others to raise money and provide the services and infrastructure it doesn’t want to pay for.”

“We have seen it in schools with P&Cs being left to fundraise for air-conditioning or repairs and now we are seeing it in Hospitals with staff having to fundraise for bathroom facilities.”

“It is not good enough that staff are left with no other option but to fundraise for this infrastructure.”

“I will make sure the Government listens when these Notices of Motion are tabled today.”
