1. Media Releases
  2. Budget Disappointment for Wallsend

Budget Disappointment for Wallsend

Media Releases

State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, has expressed her disappointment that the Wallsend electorate has been completely ignored in the NSW Budget.

The Government made major announcements, such as the completion of the Newcastle Inner City Bypass and the John Hunter Hospital upgrade during the election but the Budget hasn’t allocated a single cent for construction.

Money for the Wallsend flood mitigation works, more Police resources and the Lake Macquarie Transport Interchange were notable exclusions in the Budget handed down earlier today.

There was also no money for additional public transport options for Wallsend or works to alleviate the traffic congestion that is choking the Wallsend electorate in peak hours.

Local schools also missed out on money to fix the maintenance backlog and there is no money for a security fence at Glendore Public School.

Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery

“The Treasurer claimed that this Budget is for the people of NSW, but I can see nothing but neglect for the western suburbs.”

“The Budget announcements today have again shown a disproportionate level of spending in Sydney, leaving vital projects in the Wallsend electorate languishing for yet another year.”

“This Budget is not aimed at investing in, or growing, regions such as ours.”

“The Budget papers paint a grim picture for infrastructure investment in the Wallsend electorate.”

“The Government has reannounced the same projects they announced last year and the year before, but they haven’t allocated a single cent for the projects.”

“Fixing up schools in the Wallsend electorate should be a priority for the Government, but again there was no money for some schools still facing maintenance backlogs of more than a million dollars.”

“This Budget pays lip service to the people of the Wallsend electorate. The Government is spending big on flashy items in Sydney but is leaving our community out in the cold.”
