State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, has criticised the Roads Minister for failing to appropriately respond to questions about the speed limit reduction on a major arterial road.
Ms Hornery has moved a Notice of Motion and placed Questions on the Notice Paper calling for the Minister to provide the report and information that was used to justify the reduction in speed limits on Thomas Street, Newcastle Road and Griffiths Road.
In a recent response to a Question on Notice the Minister responded with “crash data from the Centre for Road Safety” but refused to release the information.
Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery
“This is yet another example of the Government refusing to justify a decision they have made.”
“What is the RMS and the Minister hiding? I have repeatedly asked for the reports and the data behind this decision but yet again it has been denied.”
“The Government may be too afraid to front up and explain to the public why it has made a decision but I am more than happy to have those conversations with my electorate.”
“People have consistently asked me about the decision to reduce the speed limit and I have not been able to give them a response.”
“The Ministers answer to my recent Question on Notice is a disgrace. The short 13 word sentence gives no information about the reasons and fails to justify her decision.”
“It concerns me and it concerns my constituents when Governments become so arrogant that they refuse to justify their decisions.”
“The Minister has still not responded to my letter asking for a meeting to discuss this matter. Says it all really.”