1. Media Releases
  2. Hornery to Deliver Suggestions from Commuters to Parliament

Hornery to Deliver Suggestions from Commuters to Parliament

Media Releases

State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, will this week outline a number of solutions to help improve public transport numbers in a speech to NSW Parliament.

Ms Hornery last week called on Keolis Downer to listen to what commuters are telling them to help improve the number of people catching public transport.

Since the takeover of the transport system in Newcastle and Lake Macquarie in July 2017, the company has failed to listen to any suggestions from Wallsend residents regarding changes made to the system. Last week Ms Hornery put a post on social media asking commuters and more importantly, non-users, what it would take to get them to use more public transport.

Ms Hornery will also be providing the Minister and Keolis Downer with all of the comments and suggested changes.

Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery

“Since December 2016, we have heard how the Government and Keolis Downer have listened to what the people of Newcastle and Lake Macquarie wanted and the changes made to our transport system have made it world class.”

“Well the numbers paint a very different picture. All year, I have relayed the concerns of local residents to the private provider and to the Minister for Transport.”

“My Hunter colleagues and I have presented two petitions carrying 10,000 signatures for debate. I have given Notices of Motion, Questions on Notice and Private Members Statements on the matter.”

“There were some minor changes to the network in July, and I happily admit that some of the alterations have been positive, but the horror stories from my constituents keep coming in.”

“When I have brought forward complaints about bus services in Wallsend they have been largely ignored. Now, furnished with specifics and hard comparisons, I ask the Minister to engage with these issues.”

“Wallsend residents and commuters deserve better.”
