State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, will today join Environment Minister, the Hon Matt Kean MP, for a tour of the Hunter Wetlands at Shortland.
Minister Kean will tour the Ramsar listed Hunter Wetlands this morning following a request from Ms Hornery.
Ms Hornery recently met with the executive and volunteers at the Wetlands about work being undertaken and the future of the Wetlands. Following that meeting, Ms Hornery issued an invitation for Minister Kean to visit.
The visit will be an opportunity for Minister Kean to meet with the executive and volunteers, get a history of the Wetlands and discuss how the State Government may be able to assist the Centre.
Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery
“I thank the Minister for giving some of his valuable time to visit the Wallsend electorate and take a tour of the Wetlands.”
“I recently met with the executive and volunteers about work and programs being undertaken at the Wetlands and they discussed extending an invitation to the Minister.”
“I had a discussion with the Minister this week in Parliament and he jumped at the opportunity to join me today for a tour.”
“The Minister will meet the executive and volunteers and have an opportunity to see the incredible transformation the Wetlands has undergone and hear what work is planned.”
“The Wetlands are a vital part of the Hunter ecosystem because of its storage role during floods, being a home for wildlife, and as a breeding ground for aquatic life.”