State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, will today meet with Hunter New England Health District Chief Executive, Michael DiRienzo, to discuss plans for the expansion of the John Hunter Hospital, the Newcastle Inner City Bypass and a number of workplace issues.
Ms Hornery has raised concerns about the traffic chaos that will be caused with construction of the Newcastle Inner City Bypass coinciding with the expansion of the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct.
Ms Hornery has also raised concerns about the outsourcing of the assessment of CT Scans to Victoria.
Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery
“I have asked for this meeting with Michael to hear just how they expect they can manage the build of the Newcastle Inner City Bypass and the John Hunter Hospital expansion.”
“The current lack of parking already has staff parking on residential streets around the Hospital or further up Lookout Road and McCaffrey Drive. The construction of the Bypass will eliminate many of those parking spots, along with the ‘minimal’ loss of internal car parks during hospital construction and staff and visitors will have absolutely no where to park.”
“The internal road and the major arterial roads are already at capacity during peak hour and they will be significantly impacted during the construction of the Bypass. There will be hundreds of tradies and construction staff travelling to the area to work on the Bypass and the Hospital upgrade, and there will be hundreds of truck movements into and out of the local road network. That will have an impact on traffic flow.”
“I will also be seeking some answers on why patients who have presented to local emergency departments and as a result have been required to have a CT scan, are having their scans sent to Melbourne for assessment.”
“I look forward to being updated on these important issues that have been raised with me by the community.”