State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, has called on the State Government to include the Wallsend electorate in the Community and Small Business CCTV Fund.
The grants program allows up to 1000 small businesses and not for profit community groups to apply for $5,000 towards the supply and installation of CCTV systems.
The program has been running for a number of years and businesses in the Wallsend electorate had expressed an interest in the program, but the program has now been restricted to only include Sydney based electorates.
Ms Hornery has written to the Minister and will today move a Notice of Motion calling for the Wallsend electorate to be included in the program.
Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery
“Once again we see the Hunter and the Wallsend electorate being forgotten.”
“This program has been running for a number of years and I know local businesses had shown an interest in it previously, but were unsuccessful in gaining a grant.”
“This time when the program opened, it was discovered that it is only open to community organisations and small businesses across Western and South Western Sydney.”
“We have areas around the electorate that would benefit from having CCTV cameras installed. This would go a long way towards helping combat crime in the area.”
“It seems that once again the regions miss out on programs like this. Sydney gets allocated more new Police Officers per head of population and now it seems they get all the money for programs to help combat crime.”
“The Government needs to remember that crime happens north of the Hawkesbury as well. I would like to see the Wallsend electorate included in any future rounds of funding.”