1. Media Releases
  2. Water Outage Costly for Local Business

Water Outage Costly for Local Business

Media Releases

State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, has called for an explanation from Hunter Water and the Minister after a planned water outage in the Wallsend CBD left businesses without water.

Hunter Water failed to provide local businesses with any notification of the planned outage and a number of businesses and their staff suffered as a result.

Cafes and hairdressers were financially impacted with the loss of water without notice and a number of businesses sent staff home as they were unable to operate.

Ms Hornery has written to both Hunter Water and the Minister for Water calling for an explanation and compensation for local businesses who suffered as a result of the outage and lack of notice.

Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery

“Someone has dropped the ball here. This was not a burst water main where no notice could be given, it was planned work that Hunter Water were undertaking and local businesses have suffered as a result.”

“Normally businesses will receive seven days notice so they can make other arrangements to have a water supply, but yesterday these local businesses discovered the outage when they turned on their taps.”

“My office received calls and visits from local businesses who had lost water. My office made enquiries to Hunter Water and at first it was listed as an unplanned outage but then was updated to a planned outage. Local businesses who called Hunter Water were told that it was planned and they should have received notices.”

“It is obvious that someone has not done their job here. Local businesses such as cafes and hairdressers suffered financial losses and staff were sent home as some were forced to close for the day.”

“Given this stuff up, I am calling on Hunter Water to compensate the local businesses for their losses yesterday. Local business is already doing it tough and this outage has had a significant impact on them.”

“I look forward to receiving a full explanation from Hunter Water as to why these businesses did not receive seven days notice of the outage and what compensation they will be offered.”
