1. Media Releases
  2. Help Your Local Firefighters and Grab a Sticker

Help Your Local Firefighters and Grab a Sticker

Media Releases

State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, is encouraging residents in the Wallsend electorate to help the firefighters from Fire and Rescue NSW by picking up a Static Water Supply sticker from her office.

During bushfires, firefighters often have difficulty getting enough water. There may not be enough water in the mains to fight a major bushfire. Static water supplies, such as swimming pools, tanks and dams, may be vital sources of water for firefighters.

The Static Water Supply program is aimed at identifying properties with sources of water supply such as dams, tanks or swimming pools that can be used for firefighting purposes.

Ms Hornery was recently visited by the crew from Fire and Rescue NSW 251 Cardiff to discuss the Static Water Supply program and receive the SWS stickers for local properties.

“Our firefighters do an amazing job, putting their lives on the line to help local residents save homes and businesses whenever there is a fire,” said Ms Hornery.

“As a community, anything we can do to help them is vital to help protect our community.

“lf your home or property has a water source, such as a swimming pool, tank or dam, you can assist firefighters by prominently displaying a SWS plate at your property boundary so that it is readily visible from the road.

“By picking up a sticker from my office, you may assist firefighters to extinguish a fire should one occur in or near your home or a neighbour’s home or property.

“Your swimming pool provides an ideal emergency water supply for firefighters, using small portable pumps and hose lines, to protect your home and possessions. Your pool water will only be used as a last resort during major bushfires.

“So I would encourage anyone who doesn’t already have a sticker to drop into my office and pick one up, especially if you live on the edges of the electorate in areas like Maryland, Fletcher, Minmi, Black Hill or any area that has a high bushfire risk,” Ms Hornery said.
