State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, has joined with 28 other NSW MPs to co-sponsor the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill which will be introduced to the NSW Parliament today.
The Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill recognises the importance of giving people genuine choice and autonomy over their decision making and will allow eligible people at the end of their life to access voluntary assisted dying, while ensuring a range of mandatory protections, approvals and reviews for these decisions are in place.
Since 2017, when a Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill was first discussed, Ms Hornery has held forums and discussions with the Wallsend electorate to gauge the community feeling on the issue.
More than 8,000 people across the Wallsend electorate have contacted her office to share their views on the Bill. Of these 8000 people, more than 95% of people have been in favour of the Bill.
Ms Hornery’s decision to co-sponsor the Bill was not one that was made lightly, but it does reflect the overwhelming support across our community for those who are terminally ill to have a choice.
“I am proud to co-sponsor this incredibly important Bill along with so many other Members of the NSW Parliament,” Ms Hornery said.
“The decision to support the Bill is not one I have taken lightly but I have been so appreciative of all of the local residents who have shared their perspective on this issue which has so often reflected very profound and personal experiences.
“I support voluntary assisted dying laws and the right of people with a terminal illness to choose a dignified death without suffering.
“I want to be part of a compassionate community that affords freedom of choice to people at their end of life and respects their wish for a peaceful death.
“Terminally ill people in every other Australian state now have the option to die with dignity, so why should people in NSW be denied that right.
“My community have overwhelmingly supported this Bill with more than 95% of people in the Wallsend electorate who have contacted my office, by phone, email, letter and social media being in favour of it.
“I look forward to hearing the contributions from all MPs on both sides of the issue in the coming weeks when this Bill is debated.
“I hope the outcome will lead to progressive and much-needed laws, which will give eligible people with terminal conditions who are at the end of their lives, some choice over the manner and the timing of their death,” said Ms Hornery.
“The staff at Minmi deserve the respect of having their crewing at a safe number of four at all times, so that they can protect their community and do their job.
“The community deserves their fire truck to remain online. They pay their taxes, they pay their Emergency Services Levy through their insurances and their rate notices, and to deprive them of their fire protection despite that would be an insult.
“I will be calling on the Minister to urgently intervene to prevent Fire & Rescue NSW from taking Minmi Fire Station offline,” said Ms Hornery.