State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, has criticised a decision by Transport for NSW to ignore community concerns and push ahead with an ancillary construction compound on property in Peatties Road, despite overwhelming community opposition.
Last year, Transport for NSW proposed a large tract of land owned by Sydney Trains to be utilised as the main site compound for the construction of the Newcastle Inner City Bypass Stage 5.
The site will have onsite offices, increased traffic movements with up to 120 two-way vehicle movements, including an increase in heavy vehicle movements.
Residents and both City of Newcastle and Lake Macquarie City Council opposed the compound, concerned about traffic and pedestrian safety, noise impacts, impacts on local residents and the impact on local flora and fauna.
Despite the objections of 45 residents and the support of both the City of Newcastle and Lake Macquarie City, Transport for NSW this week gave final approval for the compound.
“This is a kick in the guts for local residents who raised genuine concerns about the impacts this compound will have on their quiet little suburb,” Ms Hornery said.
“The original location for the compound was on land close to the proposed route for the Bypass which would have provided a more suitable outcome for local residents.
“Both Councils have opposed the compound being constructed and wrote to me requesting that the Peatties Road depot not proceed.
“This is another decision by bureaucrats based in Sydney completely disregarding the overwhelming opposition to this compound.
“The Minister for Roads should ensure that the concerns of the community and the support from their elected representatives are listened to, and stop this compound from proceeding.
“There are more suitable options that have little, to no impact,” said Ms Hornery.