Media Releases

State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, is calling on school communities to officially recognise and celebrate the contribution made by their school P&C’s on National P&C Day.

NSW P&C’s raise more than $54 million each year across the State for their school communities and thousands of hours of unpaid work are donated by caring and committed parents, caregivers and community members.

Every week parents volunteer in schools, helping in the canteen, fundraising, helping with reading groups or providing advice to our educators.

Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery

“This is a great time to acknowledge the efforts of those parents and care givers for their volunteer work within our community.”

“Our schools are enriched by the involvement of parents. The work of P&C associations sends a powerful message to students about the importance of education in their lives and for their future.”

“Students whose parents are actively engaged in their learning have improved academic results and wellbeing, better attendance and a sense of belonging to their school community, according to a significant body of research.”

“Schools are being forced to turn to their P&C’s to fund specialist literacy and numeracy programs with parents stumping up hundreds of dollars in levies and fees at cash-strapped schools.”

“There is a fundamental inequity that Gonski would address if it was fully funded, because irrespective of your postcode, Gonski would ensure no child missed out.”

“The Federal Government needs to commit to funding Gonski so that P&C’s are funding additional programs and not essential services.”

“I would on this National P&C Day like to pay tribute to those wonderful volunteers who give up their time for the benefit of our children.”
