1. Media Releases
  2. Community Safety Put At Risk

Community Safety Put At Risk

Media Releases

State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP and State Member for Charlestown, Ms Jodie Harrison MP, have today called on the NSW Government to explain why fire stations across Wallsend and Charlestown electorates will be left under staffed and short of appliances after staff and vehicles were moved into Newcastle to cover the Supercars event.

The staff and appliances from both Cooks Hill and Cardiff Fire Stations have been moved to the Supercar event in Newcastle, under the user pays system.

The stations at Cooks Hill and Cardiff have been backfilled by staff from Lambton and Tingira Heights stations, but there has been no further backfilling of staff and appliances at Lambton and Tingira Heights.

The NSW Government has received $30,000 under the user pays system but has failed to spend the money bringing in additional staff and appliances to protect the community, instead choosing to pocket the money and put lives at risk.

Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery

“We are excited about the Supercars coming to town and many people in our community will be attending over the weekend.”

“But this Government is putting lives at risk by choosing not to back fill stations with staff and appliances.”

“The user pays system is in place to cover the costs of bringing in additional staff and vehicles when required.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Charlestown, Jodie Harrison

“This is not the first time a major event has been held in NSW, every week our emergency services attend events like football games and concerts and this is done at the expense of the organisers.”

“This Government has decided to pocket the $30,000 being paid by Supercars instead of paying to bring in extra staff and appliances.”

“With staff and appliances being spread so thin, lives are being put at risk.”

“The Government must ensure adequate staff and resources are in place for the rest of the community.”
