1. Media Releases
  2. Government Out Of Touch On Interchange

Government Out Of Touch On Interchange

Media Releases

State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, has labelled the NSW Government out of touch, after they voted down a Notice of Motion regarding funding for the Lake Macquarie Transport Interchange.

The Government used its numbers in the Legislative Assembly to defeat the Notice of Motion, which recognised the importance of the Interchange and called for it to be funded in the upcoming 2017 Budget.

When the Premier assumed office earlier this year, she announced local infrastructure as a key Government priority, along with affordable housing and a strong State economy, but yesterday showed that these were just words by refusing to commit to funding the Lake Macquarie Transport Interchange.

Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery

“The Premier had an opportunity to show the people of Wallsend and the Hunter that she meant what she said.”

“When she assumed the Premiership earlier this year, she said she wanted to make sure every community got what it needed, not just the mega projects, but the important local ones.”

“But yesterday the Premier proved that these were just meaningless words when her Government voted down the number one infrastructure project in the Hunter.”

“The project has the support of all the Hunter MPs, all the Hunter Councils and all of the key business groups in the region, but the Government refuses to listen to what we are all saying.”

“Council, industry, my colleague Greg Piper and many others have met with the Premier and various Ministers and have all been told how vitally important this project is. Indeed the Government Members who spoke against this Notice of Motion yesterday spoke of its importance to the Hunter Region.”

“The State Government says that it is committed to the Hunter. Well if that is true, it should fund projects across the Hunter, not only in Newcastle, and that includes the Lake Macquarie Transport Interchange.”
