1. Media Releases
  2. Hospitals Under Enormous Pressure

Hospitals Under Enormous Pressure

Media Releases

State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, has called on the Government to fix the crisis facing the Emergency Departments at the John Hunter Hospital and Calvary Mater.

Patients in NSW hospitals are facing long wait times in emergency departments with data from the Bureau of Health Information listing John Hunter Hospital as one of the worst performers.

At the John Hunter Hospital more than 37% of patients waited for more than four hours in the January to March 2017 reporting quarter, well above the state average. The Calvary Mater saw almost 30%of patients wait more than four hours.

Statewide, 27% of patients waited longer than four hours in emergency departments.

Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery

“Patients at the John Hunter Hospital and Calvary Mater have some of the longest waits in emergency departments in Australia – with between 30 and 37% waiting longer than four hours.”

“Sadly these are not just numbers, they have a human face. They are thousands of mothers, fathers, children and grandparents who rely on the health and hospital system.”

“The Premier is allowing patients in NSW to wait at every stage. They wait for an ambulance. They wait outside hospital to get into the emergency department. They wait for a hospital bed and then they are rushed out of the hospital before they are fully recovered.”

“These figures clearly show the health and hospital system at the John Hunter Hospital and Calvary Mater are under enormous pressure and are just not coping.”

“The Government is ignoring the hard working paramedics, nurses, doctors and other allied health professionals who are in under-resourced hospitals.”
