1. Media Releases
  2. Local Family Forced To Live With Cockroach Infestation

Local Family Forced To Live With Cockroach Infestation

Media Releases

State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, is calling on the Minister for Social Housing to act to remedy a local property that is being infested by cockroaches.

Wallsend resident Barbara Randall has been living with a major cockroach infestation being caused by the unsanitary living conditions of her neighbours.

Her property has become so over run with cockroaches that local pest controllers have refused to spray her property until her neighbours property is cleaned up.

Ms Hornery has been working with local Housing NSW staff to find a solution and has now written to the Minister to seek her assistance.

Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery

“This is a no brainer for the Minister, she must intervene and act to ensure that Barbara’s property is made habitable.”

“Barbara contacted my office because she was getting nowhere with the local Housing NSW office in getting some action for her family.”

“Barbara advised me that the cockroaches are so bad that she and her two children, aged 11 and 14, are being forced to sleep with earplugs to prevent cockroaches from crawling into their ears.”

“My staff have been following up with Housing NSW, but their hands are tied and there is a general rule that Housing NSW tenants have to have their property sprayed and pay for it themselves.”

“This case is different, Barbara and her family are not the cause of this infestation and nobody will come and spray their house.”

“Nobody should be forced to live like this. The Minister must act immediately and find Barbara some suitable temporary accommodation until they can remedy this situation.”
