State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, is concerned that local workers will suffer from penalty rate cuts, after the Fair Work Commission announced that Sunday penalty rates would be reduced.
Thousands of local workers rely on penalty rates just to make ends meet and put food on the table for their families.
A number of young workers in the hospitality and retail sector have contacted Ms Hornery to raise their concerns about the cuts and the impact it will have on their lives.
Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery
“The decision to cut the penalty rates for some of the lowest paid workers is a disgraceful act.”
“The Liberal party have been pushing to cut penalty rates for years, it’s WorkChoices all over again. You can guarantee they will now go after all other industries and their penalty rates.”
“Local workers have told me how they are concerned that their take home pay will be cut dramatically and that they don’t know how they will be able to pay their rent or feed their family as a result.”
“One young worker told me that she is 17 years old and lives out on her own, pays her own bills and works in the hospitality sector. She is concerned that cuts to her already low rates of pay on a Sunday will mean she is no longer able to pay the bills or her rent.”
“There are many young parents out there with children that have jobs and only just get by and are concerned that having their rates cut will add to their struggle.”
“I fear that these cuts will be the tipping point for some young people and implore the Government to reverse this hit to some of the lowest paid workers in our community.”