1. Media Releases
  2. Minister Must Review How Allocations Are Made

Minister Must Review How Allocations Are Made

Media Releases

State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, will today move a Notice of Motion calling on the Police Minister to review how Police resources are allocated.

This follows news that only two new Police Probationary Constables would be joining the Central Hunter Local Area Command in the Northern Region from the recent class of 178 graduates.

Ms Hornery has been calling on the Government to allocate more Police resources to the Local Area Command after crime rates increased dramatically in the last few months.

Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery

“Today I will move a Notice of Motion calling on the Minister to address the allocation of resources in Local Area Commands.”

 “Crime in the Wallsend electorate is spiralling out of control.  Crime rates in Beresfield have increased over 450% in the past few months.”

 “We have some of the fastest growing areas in the State but we are not seeing any additional resources being allocated to the Wallsend Electorate.”

 “The vast areas of the Wallsend electorate are located quite far from the nearest Police station and response times suffer in circumstances where every second may count.”

 “The Government continues to say that the area is adequately serviced by Police and they have more than enough resources.”

 “But local Police and residents know that this is not true, the authorised allocation made to each Local Area Command does not always reflect the circumstances in the area.”

 “I am calling on the Minister to review how resource allocations are made to Local Area Commands and to ensure Wallsend gets its fair share.”
