Media Releases

State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, has today launched a petition calling on the State Government to build the new Intercity Rail Fleet in New South Wales with local workers.

In August last year, the Government announced it would not have any local manufacturing or materials in the new intercity train fleet contract, which was another kick in the guts for local workers.

The Government’s announcement that the successful bid for the $2.3 billion project to build the new fleet of intercity trains overseas was a devastating blow for the Wallsend electorate.

Hundreds of local jobs will be lost at the Downer EDI site at Cardiff as a result of the decision of the Government.

Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery

“The decision to buy the new Intercity Rail Fleet from an overseas train manufacturer and the impact this will have on local jobs in New South Wales is deeply concerning.”

“Instead of investing in the workers of tomorrow by generating apprenticeships for young people, $2.3 billion is being sent overseas.”

“I am alarmed that the new Intercity Rail Fleet will see trains being too wide for parts of the rail network and will create an additional cost to re-engineer the tracks, tunnels and stations.”

“The offshoring of 1200 direct jobs and up to 2800 indirect jobs as a result of awarding a $2.3 billion contract to a South Korean manufacturer is a disgrace.”

“The Victorian State Government has recently procured a new fleet of trains from a local manufacturer at a competitive price, demonstrating that local workers and local businesses are well equipped to design and build these new trains.”

“I am calling on the Government to cancel this contract, re-issue the tender for a fit-for-purpose train and ensure the new Intercity Rail Fleet is built here in New South Wales by local workers.”

“Copies of the petition are available from my office or via my website.”
