State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, will today move a Notice of Motion in the NSW Parliament calling on the Police Minister to take steps to properly resource local Police Districts to help fight crime in the Wallsend electorate.
The Motion notes that business operators in the Wallsend electorate have experienced a spike in crime in recent years and recognises that local Police are doing their best but that the local Police Districts remain under-resourced.
This follows the release of the latest Productivity Commission report which shows NSW now has the lowest expenditure on Police services in the country, with a cut of $483.4 million under this Government.
Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery
“The Wallsend electorate sits on the fringe of three different local Police Districts and has been neglected when it comes to having resources allocated.”
“The latest Productivity Commission report shows how this Government has reduced spending on Police to its lowest point in the past five years.”
“Business owners in the Wallsend CBD have seen a big spike in the level of crime in the area and have been calling on the Government to take steps to properly resource Newcastle City Police District to help fight crime in Wallsend.”
“Our hardworking Police Force is continually being asked to do more, with less, as local Police Districts experience chronic staff shortages.”
“The Minister must explain why the NSW Government is failing to deliver on the promised increase in officer numbers and why it is failing to invest in the future of our Police Force.”
“The Wallsend electorate deserves its fair share and I will continue to fight for more Police resources.”