State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, has this week used a Notice of Motion and Questions on Notice to call on the Government to increase the levels of cleanliness on major roads around the Hunter.
Major roads across the Hunter, such as the M1 Motorway, the Newcastle Link Road, the Hunter Expressway and the Newcastle Inner City Bypass, are often the first thing many visitors see of Newcastle and Lake Macquarie.
The number of complaints from motorists about the state of cleanliness and upkeep of these roads is increasing.
Ms Hornery has used Parliament this week to call on the Minister to commit to adequately maintaining and cleaning these major roads.
Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery
“It is obvious when you are out and about driving along these main roads that the level of cleanliness and upkeep has dropped off significantly.”
“The Link Road and Newcastle Inner City Bypass, in particular, are commonly complained about with the mowing schedule seeming almost non-existent.”
“These roads are the first thing many visitors see when they are coming into Newcastle and Lake Macquarie. Our city entrances should be kept in a suitable condition.”
“Many motorists who travel these roads on a daily basis, as well as tourism operators, are increasingly contacting me about their condition.”
“On some sections of these roads the height of grass and weeds gets to a point where it becomes a hazard to motorists. The level of service has dropped and must be restored.”
“I have asked a number of Questions on Notice and will move a Notice of Motion asking the Minister to ensure the cleanliness and maintenance is kept at an appropriate standard.”