1. Recreational Registration for Offroad Motorbike

Recreational Registration for Offroad Motorbike

To the Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales in Parliament assembled.

The Petition of residents of NSW brings to the attention of the House their concerns that increasing development and the exclusion of dirt bike riders from areas around the state’s major population centres has left riders with very few areas to ride. This is resulting in increasing illegal, irresponsible and inconsiderate use of dirt bikes in semi-rural and urban areas and riders venturing into more rugged and remote terrain.

Riders are calling for a scheme to grant cheaper recreational registration and CTP insurance to dirt bike owners that will allow them to register their bikes for a reasonable cost and use them in State Forests and National Parks.

The undersigned petitioners therefore ask the Legislative Assembly to implement a recreational registration system for offroad motorbikes, similar to the Victorian model.

Sign the Petition
