State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, is calling on the Government to fund an expansion of the School Breakfast Program after it was revealed that 1 in 7 kids go to school without the most important meal of the day.
A number of programs deliver breakfast to school students across the Wallsend electorate every morning. They provide a healthy start to the day for children who would otherwise go to school hungry.
Some of these programs are now under significant financial pressure after the State Government failed to adequately fund them in this year’s Budget.
Without an increase in funding, the Breakfast Clubs that currently provide a healthy start to hundreds of local students each day, will not be able to continue or expand their services.
Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery
“This is a no brainer, the Government needs to look at funding for this vital program.”
“Right across the Wallsend electorate there are hundreds of children who start the day hungry.”
“These programs provide kids with a nutritious breakfast, allowing them to engage and participate fully at school.”
“Teachers report hunger in the classroom is extremely noticeable, estimating that the average student loses more than 2 hours a day of learning time when they come to school hungry.”
“If they were to arrive at school hungry once a week, a student would lose more than a whole term over the course of a year.”
“Last year the Victorian Government funded programs that will deliver breakfast to more than 25,000 students.”
“I am calling on the NSW Government to do the same and fund these programs to help our children achieve their best at school.”