State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, has called on the Premier to intervene in the chaotic Newcastle Transport Network, after a school bus failed to turn up and pick up students at Callaghan College Wallsend.
Yesterday afternoon the 870 school bus failed to show up and pick up the dozens of students at the school.
Worried parents received calls from their children and students were forced to walk or wait for parents to leave work to come and collect them.
Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery
“This takeover and privatisation of the public transport network in Newcastle has been a complete and utter failure and the Minister should grab his coat and head for the door.”
“Yesterday my staff and I fielded calls and messages on social media from upset and irate parents after the 870 failed to show up and pick up students from Callaghan College at Wallsend at 3:37pm.”
“Parents were forced to leave work early, teachers helped ferry children home and a number of children walked up to 6km home to Shortland.”
“This had flow on effects for students and parents with some missing appointments, after school sport and some even missed being able to get to their part-time jobs.”
“And what was the response from the company? Some parents were able to leave a complaint via the phone and were told they would get a response within 7 to 10 days.”
“I raised concerns with the Minister almost 3 weeks ago and he has so far failed to respond to the dozens of letters, emails and calls to his office.”
“The Premier must step in and end this chaos before something happens to one of these students.”
“The Minister has to go.”