State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, is calling on the State Government to review a speed camera position at Rankin Park, after documents revealed the number of accidents around the camera have skyrocketed by 367% over the last five years.
According to the 2016 review of the state’s fixed and red light speed cameras, the camera on McCaffrey Drive, Rankin Park, catches approximately 10 speeding drivers per month, but casualty crashes are up 367% over past five years.
The 11 other fixed and red light speed cameras across the Hunter showed that crashes have mostly fallen in recent years.
The Government has announced that none of the 12 fixed and red light speed cameras will be removed as a result of the review.
Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery
“The Government’s own website says that fixed digital speed cameras operate in NSW because of their proven ability to deter drivers from speeding, thereby reducing crashes and preventing deaths and injuries.”
“But in Rankin Park we have a skyrocketing casualty crash rate that is up 367% over the last five years.”
“It is obvious that the volume of traffic on McCaffrey Drive has dramatically increased over the past few years because of the chaotic traffic gridlock around the John Hunter Hospital and Croudace Street, Lambton.”
“McCaffrey Drive is used as a rat run through to Wallsend and the Link Road.”
“The Government needs to get on with completing Stage Five of the Newcastle Inner City Bypass, which will see a huge decrease in the volume of traffic along McCaffrey Drive.”
“The Government should also review the positioning of the speed camera, given its remarkable failure to reduce casualty crashes in the area.”