State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, is reminding residents to be extra alert over the Christmas holiday period after a series of break-ins across the Wallsend electorate.
There have been reported break-ins to homes and cars, particularly in the Beresfield/Tarro and the Wallsend/Maryland/Fletcher areas. Thieves have been targeting cars and homes taking Christmas presents.
Many people have saved all year to buy presents for their loved ones and have lost it all after leaving them in their car or leaving a window at home unlocked.
Residents should ensure they take every precaution to reduce the risk of break-ins to their home or car.
Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery
“Christmas is a wonderful time of the year but for some, the temptation is just too great and thieves have been targeting easy options in the area.”
“A number of people have reported having their cars or homes broken in to over the past few days.”
“I would encourage all residents to take a moment to remember a few simple tips to help reduce the risk of a break-in.”
• make sure you don’t leave your car packed with presents overnight, even if you are travelling and leaving early the next morning;
• if you put up Christmas lights, don’t leave windows open to feed extension cords through;
• garages are a particularly easy target for thieves, so don’t leave all of your presents in the garage or your car.”
“If you are the victim of a break-in over the Christmas break, please make sure you report it to Police so that appropriate resources are allocated to the area to help deter these thieves.”