1. Media Releases
  2. Two Years On And Still No Work For Wallsend

Two Years On And Still No Work For Wallsend

Media Releases

State Member for Wallsend, Ms Sonia Hornery MP, is calling on Newcastle Council to expedite works for the Wallsend Flood Management Plan.

Today marks the second anniversary of the April Super Storm of 2015 and almost 10 years since the Pasha Bulker Storm.  Despite a number of studies, work on the Wallsend Flood Management Plan hasn’t commenced.

The Wallsend Commercial Centre Floodplain Risk Management Plan, adopted by Council in 2009, recommended the removal and replacement of the bridge network in Wallsend.

Quotes attributable to Member for Wallsend, Sonia Hornery

“Today marks 2 years since the April Super Storm, where Wallsend was heavily impacted by flood water.”

 “It is almost 10 years since the Pasha Bulker storm but we are no closer to any work starting on the Wallsend Flood Management Plan.”

 “Every time there is significant rainfall, residents and businesses worry that they will be impacted again by flooding.”

 “Council has advised me once again that they don’t have any money for the project, despite the 8 years that have passed since the Wallsend Commercial Centre Floodplain Risk Management Plan.”

 “Council needs to look at some of their other projects and start making the western suburbs a priority.”

 “We are sick to death of asking for our fair share, for these works to be carried out, only to be told that there is no money and other projects are a higher priority.”

 “It is time Council started this work to make sure Wallsend businesses and residents have the protection they need.”
